Solicite el material por esta cota: WA670/W46di
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) / World Health Organization . Geneva: WHO, 1984 . 151 p. : tabls.. incl. ref. . Serie: Environmental Health Criteria, 29
ISBN 92-4-154089-3 Tipo de material: LIBROS
DICLOROFENOXIACÉTICO/efectos fisiológico
DICLOROFENOXIACÉTICO/aspectos ambientales
Tabla de contenido:
- Environmental health criteria for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
- Summary and recommendations for further studies
- Summary
- Recommendations for further studies
- Properties and analytical methods
- Physical and chemical properties of 2,4-d
- Determination of 2,4-d
- Sources of environmental pollution
- Production of 2,4-d herbicides
- Uses
- Disposal of waster
- Environmental transport, distribution, and transformation of 2,4-d
- Drift and volatization inthe atmosphere
- Movement within and from the soil
- Contamination of water
- Environmental transformation and degradation processes
- Bioconcentration
- Environmental levels and exposure
- Levels of 2,4-d residues in the environment
- Occupational exposure to 2,4-d during the production, handling, and use of chlorophenoxy herbicides
- Exposure of bystanders to 2,4-d
- Estimated exposure by the general population in 2,4-d-use areas
- Chemobiokinetics and metabolism
- Uptake via different routes of exposure
- Distribution and transformation in the body
- 2,4-d levels in body tissues and fluids
- Elimination and biological half-life
- Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins CDDs
- Effects of 2,4-d on animals
- General introduction
- Acute effects
- Skin and eye irritancy
- Skin sensitization
- Lethal doses and concentrations LD50 and LC50
- Subchronic and chronic toxicity
- Fetotoxicity, teratogenicity, and reproductive effects
- Mutagenicity and related effects
- Carcinogenic effects on experimental animals
- Effects on man, clinical and epidemiological studies
- Acute poisoning and occupational overexposure
- Epidemiological studies of the chronic effects of 2,4-d
- Studies on mutagenic effects in workers exposed to 2,4-d
- Carcinogenic effects
- Treatment of poising in human beings
- Evaluation of health risks to man from exposure to 2,4-d
- General considerations
- Estimated intake of 2,4-d by the population in a 2,4-d-use area
- Safety factors
- Evaluation of health risks from 2,4-d exposure
- Recommendations on exposure