1/1 Solicite el material por esta cota: WA440/C877/1989 A curriculum guide for public-safety and emergency-response workers: prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus / Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service; Centers for Disease Control . Atlanta, Georgia, 1989 . p. Irreg. : tabls.. incl. ref. . Serie: Dhhs Niosh publication, 89-108 Tipo de material: LIBROS VIH VIRUS DE LA HEPATITIS B ESTUDIOS DE CASOS SALUD LABORAL Tabla de contenido: Tips for trainersPreventing transmission of HIV and HBVCase studiesResourcesGuidelines for prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus to health-care and public-safety workers Presentar con el formato: DetalladoBreveLista Ver selección Limpiar selección
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