Diversity, abundance and ecological importance of plant species for medical use in tropical forest of Tingo Maria, Peru

Luis Eduardo Oré Cierto, Edilberto Díaz Quintana, Casiano Aguirre Escalante, Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Luis Pablo Diaz Tito, Veronica Giannina Morán Rodríguez


Its diversity derives from the different ecoregions present that developed with geological evolution. Much of its plant diversity is contained in the Peruvian Amazon, which includes a large proportion of plant species, many of them endemic. Of this diversity, many plants have been underestimated, and it is believed that more than 50% of them have not been recorded. These scientific gaps also address medicinal plants, their taxonomic identification, phytochemical bioactives produced, mechanisms of action of phytochemicals, and the metabolic pathways involved. These medicinal plants are active against common diseases such as: protozoa, with emphasis on malaria and leishmania, diabetes, inflammation, hypertension, cancer, infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, and fungal), kidney, liver, diarrhea and other health problems.  This work is based on the study of a forest area in the district of Rupa Rupa called Reserve Forest of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva (BRUNAS) in Tingo María, Peru, which is being highly pressured by the people who live in the surroundings of this forest ecosystem for domestic use, so it is urgent to sensitize the population linked to this natural resource and make known the plants found there with high medicinal potential for the use of the locals, the nation and the world.

Palabras clave

Medicinal plants, Peruvian Amazon, Plant diversity, health.

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